Today I was delighted to come across the online work of Victoria Emily Jones through her former blog, The Jesus Question. I was looking for online links to articles about cultural representations of Jesus for a study that I’m writing, and found her blogs about nativities from around the world here and here. As something of a collector of religious art books, I was of course immediately interested.
Victoria has a new blog called Art and Theology, in which I found a link to this online Stations of the Cross with audio and image, curated by Victoria with the Smithsonian Institute. Fantastic work, Victoria. It is also a great idea – to create an online experience by adding to existing works, which need not even be in the same physical space.
Anyway, I’m already enjoying Victoria’s blog – she writes eloquently and thoughtfully about art.
This then led me to an other project in which she is involved – ArtWay. This site features posts by a whole range of people on various aspects of art and religion. I’m very excited to have uncovered this stuff.
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