Early next year I’m planning to run my first ever workshops based on my recent doctoral research into faith formation and education in the Uniting Church. These are hosted by Port Phillip East Presbytery at two locations in Melbourne.
The focus is on congregations as lifelong learning communities of missional discipleship – connecting how we grow in faith with how we live for God’s purposes. The research is based on visits to 13 churches around Australia, a sub-sample of what began as 21 churches. Lots of great examples of church ‘culture’, leadership, programs and activities, and the dynamics of faith development.
Thursday 5 March, 10am-3pm
Glen Waverley Uniting Church, cnr Bogong Ave & Kingsway
Thursday 19 March, 10am-3pm
Centre for Theology & Ministry, 29 College Cres, Parkville
- Stories from Uniting Churches across Australia
- Insights from recent research
- Congregational practices for growing disciples
- Guides for intentional leadership of learning
Cost is $20 which covers lunch and morning tea.
Registration details will be available soon on our Presbytery website. In the meantime, download a flyer.
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