Here are two mobile devices apps for daily devotions, added to my Pinterest page on Mobile Apps for Ministry. Both are produced by the Anglican Board of Mission in Australia.
“Into the Desert” is a 40 day spiritual journey designed for Lent. but it can be undertaken any time of year.
“These Lent resources have a particular focus on Australian landscape, history and writing, Aboriginal reconciliation and the long Christian tradition of desert-shaped theology.”
Available for both Apple iOS and Android devices.
“Into the Desert” is also available in print and there is an accompanying optional simple set of small group reflection questions available here.
“Deep Calls to Deep” is an post-Easter journey exploring faith.
“Deep Calls to Deep is a 46 day journey into the mystery of the cross that begins in Holy Week and ends on Ascension Day (but it is suitable for any time of the year).”
Available for both Apple iOS and Android devices.
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