Mission Pilot Launch from Craig Mitchell on Vimeo.
Last night at Port Phillip East Presbytery we launched our Mission Pilot Process, part of a significant cultural change process within the presbytery called “Cultivating our Future”. This has been facilitated by Phil McCredden from Ecclesia Leadership whom you’ll see in this video.
From the brochure:
The Mission Cultivation Process is a twelve-month process for congregations to learn about new ways of being in mission through action learning – taking on a new initiative and learning from the experience.
The Port Phillip East Presbytery Cultivating a New Future Process includes a strategic priority to develop a small number of Congregational Mission Pilots in 2019 and 2020. This involves a process of missional cultural change designed to assist congregations to respond to the challenges and opportunities of the post-Christendom context in Australia.
The Presbytery is seeking to identify three congregations for this first round of mission pilots, with subsequent rounds from mid-2020. Congregations are invited to submit expressions of interest to participate in the project by 31 August, 2019.
Here’s the A4 version of the supporting documents .
The brochure will be available via our presbytery website in the next couple of days.
We’ll be sharing our learnings both within and beyond the presbytery as we proceed. I’m very excited about this venture, both personally and for our presbytery.
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