Several ministers were asking about ways to assess the education or learning needs and preferences of their congregations, so I thought I’d post a number of links to resources that may be helpful.
“Reimagining Faith Formation” Assessment Tool
Source: 21st Century Faith Formation website (see under “Resources”)
Description: The “Reimagining Faith Formation” Assessment Tool provides a way for your congregation to examine how it is forming faith through congregational life, family faith formation, age-group faith formation, and leadership.
Content: 32 statements about the congregation’s with formation practices. People can rate the each statement on a range of poor to excellent.
Format/s: PDF and Word
Indicators of Mature Christian Faith
Source: Search Institute
Description: Survey tool used in a major study of 6 US mainline churches in 1990, “Effective Christian Education: A National Study of Protestant Congregations”. The full report and a summary can be downloaded. The survey questions are in the Appendix of the full report, starting p73.
The study findings are best accessed in “The Teaching Church” by Eugene Roehlkepartain.
Survey Tools in “The Teaching Church” – Measuring Faith Maturity, Congregational Life Evaluation, Assessing Administrative Foundations, Leadership Evaluation, Content Evaluation, Educational Process Evaluation, Youth Curriculum Checklist, Adult Curriculum Checklist, Family Ministry Evaluation.
Exemplary Youth Ministry
Source: Luther Seminary
Description: A range of useful tools for evaluating youth ministry as a whole congregation, developed as part of the Exemplary Youth Ministry study, summarised in “The Spirit and Culture of Youth Ministry”.
Survey Tools: An extensive lise of survey tools and resources available here, including a range of Faith Assets assessments tools.
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