This is the project page for the 6 week study series that I’m developing around Rowan Williams’ “Being Disciples”. Here is the introduction and first part. It will be added to in the coming weeks. I’m going to write it as I work my way through the book each day. A group of people are offering feedback and hopefully contributing as well.”
You can order Williams’ book from Book Depository or Amazon (Australia).
You can also download the booklet in sections here in PDF format. Eventually (by Easter time) you will be able to download the whole booklet.
Download Being_Disciples-Daily_Reading_Guide
Download Being_Disciples-Introduction
Welcome to the journey of Being Disciples. To be a disciple is to be a follower of a less-travelled Way, an unfolding Truth and a compelling Life. Discipleship is about learning to follow – not just anyone, but a particular Master, Teacher, Healer, Messiah, Saviour – Jesus Christ.
This Study Guide is based around Rowan Williams’ wonderful book Being Disciples (London:SPCK 2016). Williams is the former Archbishop of Canterbury. You will need to order the book (try You will also need a book for journal reflections.
This Guide includes a plan for daily devotional reading of the book during Lent with Scripture, prayer and journal prompts.It also includes a weekly small group discussion outline.
You may commence the daily readings anytime during the week of Ash Wednesday and organise weekly small groups as suits your schedule leading up to Easter.
Rowan Williams’ book itself was not written as a Lenten study, however its theme of discipleship is about learning to be and do that to which followers of Jesus are called.
The study guide contains a range of Bible readings and does not follow any particular lectionary readings.
Each week has an introductory video which you will find at [Vimeo link to be added].
You can share also share the Lenten journey with others at
[new Facebeook group to be added].
Craig Mitchell
The whole of Week 1 will be posted shortly, followed by the first Group Discussion outline.
Sample Daily Reflection Guide
Daily Reflections
Week 1, Day 1: Introduction
Living God,
May I feel your breath
Hear your whisper
Grasp your thoughts
Glimpse your vision
of earth as it is in heaven.
We begin a 6 week journey about being disciples of Jesus Christ
Bible Reading: Mark 1: 14-20
Read “Being Disciples”
Read the Introduction. Highlight parts that stand out to you.
Reflection and Journalling
- Reflect on what “being a disciple” means for you.
- What supports or encourages your growth in faith the most?
God behind me, God ahead
Let’s make new journey
These feet of mine
You know their walking ways
Set me on a path with you
And let’s see where you lead me this day.
Be aware of where your steps take you today. Walk with God.
Is this study still available? MY Church is using the book this lent and I would love to see the study you put together.
Hannah, I regret that I have not completed it yet. It keeps being put on the back-burner.